Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mastering the Bow -a few note changes

I've finally had a few days off  - in a row!- which gave me the opportunity to sit down and play through the entire book of Mastering the Bow (ok, I did this in two sittings) and get at the tiny details that are not quite right after the editor had his/her way with the manuscript.  While Carl Fischer is going to add my changes, I think any of you that already have the book ought to know about them too.  So.... here they are!

As far as the fingerings go, the errors don't make or break the etude, but they sure are confusing where there are, and a few are literally impossible.....

As you work through the book yourself or with your students, and find you have questions, I will be HAPPY to answer them here!

Happy practicing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Gaelen! I acquired MTB part 1 at KC Bass Workshop and I see what you mean about some of the kooky fingerings. In particular the bottom line in #7. There seems to be mistakes in number 9 as well. I haven't gotten further than these etudes yet. Is there a way to get the corrected fingerings? Thanks for teaching and be well! Sincerely, Richard burgess
