Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Help our Minnesota colleagues out - send an email

Dear Bass friends,

I promise not to make this blog into an everyday political rant, but today, well... today we simply have to take notice of what is happening in Minnesota.  For 11 months (you read that right), they have been locked out by their management of a vastly differing vision for what an orchestra is.  Their management is basically asserting that all musicians are the same, so why not replace seasoned veteran players with kids right out of school?  And pay them a fraction of what the current musical staff gets paid?  No harm, no foul, right?  And no one will know the difference.  Right?

We all know the difference.  My 5 year old daughter will know the difference.  In fact, when I play for kids, they ALWAYS know good sounds from poor ones.  (Please understand, dear students, that how you play at 20, as good as it seems right now, is not nearly as good as how you'll play after working for decades and continuing your practice every.single.day.)

I applaud my colleagues for taking a hard line on what it means to be an artist of high calibre in this country.  I know that they have given up vast amounts of time and money (did I mention they've been locked out?  No unemployment is available to them, no benefits, they are doing this all on donations and fundraising that they organize.  Talk about commitment)

Here's where you come in: I need you to email the board for the Minnesota Orchestra TODAY.  They are meeting tomorrow and the volume of email that hits them tonight and tomorrow morning will speak volumes, will let them know that the world is watching and we are fed up with their union-busting tactics.  Here is the email from the musicians of the Minnesota Orchestra with the details of how you can help.  Be polite, but be firm in your passion for preserving the high standards that this orchestra represents.


There is an easy way to group email the entire board, just follow the link where they've grouped them for you.


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